Forsaken World


"Warriors make up the vanguard of any group. They are known to lead many groups into battle with strength and valor. Their exceptional fighting ability, coupled with their fiery courage, gives their allies an edge in any group battle. A Warrior's decisiveness and mastery of tactics can bolster the group's morale, often deciding the outcome of the battle."

"The Assassins have followed an ancient creed, "Arrive without a trace and depart without a shadow." Even the most skilled of Assassins may not be able to handle open combat, but they always have the killing strike readied for their opponent. An Assassin can see a weak spot from a mile away, and they always use this to their advantage."

"Beautiful and unearthly magic decorated the sky of Eyrda with its majestic and undeniable power. Those days are long gone now, and the knowledge of magic is fading, the remaining Mages keep this knowledge alive. Those who would oppose a Mage will have to contend with the destructive power of the earthly elements. Their force of will allows them to materialize the various elements into devastating spells."

"Priests keep their group members fighting where otherwise they'd have long fallen. Their faith and undeniable desire to help all, allowed Priests to harness the power of the gods to heal the wounded, protect the weak, and cure the sick. A group can walk on the edges of darkness when supported by a Priest."

"In combat, Bards can use their exceptional music ability to debilitate enemies while assisting their allies.
What Bards lack in combat skills, they certainly make it for in the mysterious effects their songs have on enemies and allies alike. With such powerful and versatile siren like abilities at their disposal, all will be affected in one way or another. When a bard is present, an average group can become a great group."

"Stonemen, created from the ancient stone from which their name derives, have a monolithic fortitude which can withstand nearly any blow. Their bravery and fearlessness are legendary, shielding their allies from vicious attacks by taking it themselves. As the Stonemen became renowned for their exploits, they were referred to as Protectors. Their rock-hard determination and immense fortitude ensures a group shall never fear defeat as long as their Protector stands."

"With a steady finger and an even steadier will, the Marksman prefers to take out enemies from a distance. Their incredible range allows them to rain a volley of pain on any unfortunate victim within sight. In addition to this deadly range, advances in Dwarven technology led them to use of gunpowder. Following a very different type of combat from the Assassin, Marksmen whittle down their opponents from a distance instead of focusing on a single, deadly attack. Their consistent damage over time makes them deadly opponents when left alone."

"The vampire knowledge of magic with their proficiency of close combat make them deadly foes. Seeking power at any price, they use their own blood during battle to power their spells and vicious attacks.Vampires can also save the lives of their allies through their own sacrifice. The descendants of the Vampire King are very mysterious, often not showing their hidden motives until an opportune moment, often turning the battle in their favor."

Pets (Most are not from cash shop, mainly in-game tameables):
Skills are able to be changed and bought.

Level 10+:

Weakens  the target reducing their attack power

TurtleBecomes invincible for a short amount of time

RamHeals the owner

Level 20+:

Fire Elemental (cash shop)-
Fire ElementalLowers your defense but raises attack

Husky (cash shop)-
HuskyIncreases your critical rate

Level 30+:

Wind Puppet-
Wind ElementalIncreases your dodge rate

ScarabIncreases your defense rate

NumuDecreases target's attack power

PiranhaHeals the owner

Chained Fiend/Demon-
Chain mageReduces targets defense and deals damage

NightmareApplies damage over time

Soul of Apophis (instance)-
Soul of ApophisReduces damage and increases defense

Level 50+:

BearReduces defense while increasing attack

Friend of The Forest-
Tree FriendBlinds the target

SpiderDecreases target's evasion

Bubble Crab-
Bubble CrabBlinds target

FairyDamags target, absorbs mp

GriffinReduces defense increases attack

Cat (reward)-
Demon CatIncreases hit rate

 "In Forsaken World you can choose from a total of 14 different jobs. They can be grouped in 3 different categories. Crafting, Gathering, and Others. Not all jobs are available at any level though,some unlock as you progress. To learn a job you will need job points. Each job uses one job point. To get job points you have to do main quests. You can get a job by finding the job tutors in freedom harbor. In the following you can see another list of all the availible jobs along with a short and basic description of it."
(Others) Adventurer travel the world to explore every last unknown spot (Not sure about that job yet).

(Crafting) Alchemy is all about brewing your own potions to support and buff yourself and your mates.

(Crafting) Maybe some kind of enchanter?

(Crafting) Your basic weaponsmith.

(Gathering) As a Botanist you collect different herbs and plants to use or sell them as crafting materials e.g. for Alchemy.

Crafting) A Chef cooks food to support and buff hisself and his mates.

(Gathering) Detacher dismantles an item and gather its components to reuse them as crafting materials.

(Gathering) As a Fisherman you learn how to fish and catch fish (Cpt.Obvious striking again!).

(Crafting) Gearcrafter produce quality armor and equipment.

(Crafting) A Jewler crafts the trinkets and devices you need.

(Ohters) A Merchants goal in life the pursuit of wealth and getting rich of course (Not sure about this job either).

(Gathering) Mineralogists devoted their life to rocks(minerals) and gathering them.

(Others) A Socialite has learns different skills to increase EXP, interact with NPCs and earn Guild Contribution/Honour.

(Others) Specialized in hunting, cathing and taming pets.

Other Info.:
"To enter a instance, first you press "T", then once the menu is opened you apply for the instance you want to join. There are different types of instances, Event, Gear, and PvP. After you have chosen the one that you ant to do, when the menu pops up again, just press "Okay" and you will be teleported to your instance. If you are in a party, and you want them to come as well, just press "Group Apply" on the instance menu."

"Throughout the game you will get items. You are goin to want to keep the items (or sell them) if they have a high rarity."

"Some items have restrictions, which means you may not be able to sell them, trade them, or drop them. Fortifying Gear is a good method to enhance your gear. But every item has a max. refining level which can't be exceeded so you can't fortify them an unlimited amount of times. To fortify an item you need at least one "Dim Star Debris" or one "Star Crystal". You also need to visit a Metalsmith to get the job done because he's the only you who's able to do it. After clicking on "Fortify Gear" in the Smith-Dialogue you can start fortifying away. But note that with every fortifying level the probability of a success drops. You can push it back up by using more Debris."

"At the top of your screen you will see a symbol of a constellation, if it is in the same group as yours, or if it is yours, then you have a chance at getting items and exp."

"One of many interesting features Forsaken World will have is the possibility to add wings to your character.
Every race has its own wing design. That means human wings will differ from kindred wings. They will also have different levels, with 3 being the highest. Wings of Light will probably grant their carriers special buffs or enhance their attributes. But until now there's nothing known about possible buffs. In order to get wings the glossiness of your armor has to reach 100. By achieving this goal the wings will be activated. To raise the glossiness of your gear you'll have to embed gemstones into your armor. You can get gems by defeating bosses and collecting them from the loot or by completing quests."

(quotes from)Links: