Thursday, November 10, 2011

Money Guide

Money Guide:
One of the things that players want the most in Perfect World is coins. They can get you anything you want with out having to spend a cent of it with real money, if you have enough of it. Here are some tips that will help you save and gain money...but, you will have to be patient with it if you are not willing to spend real money to get in-game money. I am going to start with the people that dont want to spend money to get coins. For those that dont want to spend money, you will have to start picking up all your drops, if you are not already, and sell the ones that you don't need. Its best to start that early on because the lower level enemies drop more items. If you get any good items in your drops that you dont need, you should sell them in the auction house so that you get more money than you would if you sold it to a vendor. Another thing you could do is not teleport to any nearby cities, the cost for teleporting will add up to alot. For those who dont mind spending real money on games, the quickest and easiest way to get money is to buy items from the cash shop(boutique), and sell them to other players via the auction house, catshop, or world chat.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

(PWI)Barbarian Guide:

In this barbarian guide I am going to tell you how you can make barbarian. Barbarians are the tanks in Perfect World. They have the most hp and physical defense in the game. Barbarians can fight in two different ways, in tiger form (a skill you will get after you get to lvl 9), and thier regular form that you start out in. Tiger form is the form you will use when you are tanking, it boosts your hp and movement speed, but lowers your weapon damage. When you are in your regular form you mostly be doing quests on your own. The job of a barbarian is to control all the aggro and take damage for the rest of your squad, and when you are tanking, make sure you dont let other damage dealers steal aggro from you, and if they do, take it back as fast as you can by spamming Flesh Ream. Those are just some things you will need to remember as a barbarian.

Barbarian Stats:
Barbarians dont have that many options when it comes to their stats. The reasno they dont is because they use alot of strength points to get the weapons they need which leaves little points for other stats. I am going to show you two different ways to build your barbarian, you can choose which one you think will benefit you the most.

1. Tanking Biuld- For this build you will have your skill points add up so you can be a pretty good tank. What you will have to do each level is add 3 strength, 1 vitality, and 1 dexterity. This will let you get your weapons and armor as you reach the requisite lvl for them. The bad part is that you are only getting a little vitality, which means not as much health as you could have for tanking. If you dont like that way, you could also do 6 strength, 1 dexterity, and 3 vitality every other level for more hp.

2. PVP Build- For this PVP build ou will have less vitality but you wont need it as much for PVP as you would for tanking. This build will give you more dexterity so that you can solo better and be better at PVP then tanking. For this build you will need 6 strength, 3 dexterity, and 1 vitality, making you hit harder for PVP and duels.

Barbarian Weapons:
The weapons barbarians shoud use are Axes and Hammers. These are the weapons you are going to want to use so you can get your skills. All of the axes and hammers have the same range of 3.5. The dual weapons are faster then the poles. One of the dual weapons is Dual Hammers, dual hammers have the best minimum damge and second best maximum damage out of the dual weapons. The other is Dual Axes, they have the best maximum damage and econd best minimum. Pole Hammers have a decent minimum damage and nice DPS, these wouldn't be a bad choice with some add-ons. Pole Axes are the weapons that I use, they have good DPS with a decent amount of maximum damage, its a good choice with the right add-ons.

Barbarian Armor:
Barbarians are tanks, which you already know. Even though barbarians have the most defense in Perfect World, they still are going to need more. Barbarians should wear heavy armor. The best thing to do is to either make the armor yourself, or get a friend to make it for you. You could even just buy it from the AH, but it would save you money to just make it yourself. In your armor you are going to want to put either Garnet shards, Citrine shards or Sapphire shards. I would mainly use Sapphire shards for defense against magic mobs, because heavy armor already has good physical defense, or Citrine shards to help out with your hp for tanking. To also help with magic defense you can choose elemental ornemants instead of physical.

Barbarian Skills:
Barbarians, just like blademasters, need to level the same types of skills. There are three types of skills, passive, buff, and attack. For passive skills, always level them, but do it at your convenience because even though they are important, they can get expensive and you will need your spirit and money for the other ones. As far as buffs go, since you do not have alot of them, it shouldnt be too expensive to max them out, which you should. The buffs should be leveled up as soon as they become available if possible. Now for attacks, you are mainly going to level up (but not max) your debuff skills. The other skills you can level a little to get some extra damage out of them. Some of the main skills you are going to want to level are Feral Regeneration: Increases HP regeneration rate by 2 per second.
Beast King's Inspiration: A great growl grants oneself and nearby squad members an 12% increase in max hit points. Effect lasts 30 minutes.
Shapeshifting Intensity: Equipment gives 15% extra physical defense in tiger form.
Strength of The Titans: A raging roar renders you and squad members more powerful. Physical damage increases by 12% of weapon attack. Lasts 30 minutes.
Roar: A raging roar taunts all enemies within 12 meters of you to attack you. Higher level results in a more powerful effect.
Frighten: Strike fear into the heart of all enemies within 12 meters of you, reducing their physical attack by 12% of weapon attack as well as reducing their speed by 23% for 10 seconds.
Poison Fang: Each attack deals an extra 12% of weapon attack in Wood damage for 15 minutes.
Flesh Ream: Rip the enemy's flesh drawing their aggression onto you, inflicting base physical damage and causing bleeding, inflicting 208.1 damage over 15 seconds. 100 percent accurate.
True Form: Shape shift into a white tiger. Maximum HP increases by 10%, movement speed increases by 20% but attacks inflict 20% less weapon damage.
Also level up some debuff skills along the way.

Barbarian Genie:
There are some skills that only barbarians can get. They are:
Solid Shield: Increases spiritual and bodily strength. Forms a shield around the target to reduce all damage by 8%, but also reduces movement speed by 50%. Lasts 10 seconds, which needs 1 wood affinity, 1 earth affinity.
Reflactive Aura: Reflect Magic damage. Lasts for 2 seconds.Up to a Maximum of 10,000 damage will be reflected, which needs 1 fire affinity, 3 water affinity, and 5 wood affinity.
True Emptiness: Meditate on the nature of the void to attack your foes. Consumes all your energy and causes damage equal to 558.0 plus twenty times the amount of energy consumed. Has a 55% chance to create a shield around you that can absorb up to 700 spell damage for 8 seconds , which needs 3 metal affinity, 3 water affinity.
 Piercing Flames: A concussive blast of flame. Causes 111.0 Physical damage and has a 55% chance to immobilize the target for 3 seconds. The chance to immobilize is determined by character's Accuracy, which needs 5 fire affinity.
Mantle Ripple of Rage: Sends a ripple of anger through the ground. Increases the Chi of all allies within 6 meters. Whenever an ally is attacked, that ally will gain 3 Chi. Lasts for 5 seconds, which needs 3 fire affinity, 3 earth affinity.
Seal: Creates a magical seal that has 15% chance to silence the target for 3.2 seconds, which needs 4 wood affinity, 4 earth affinity.
Air Stand: Immobilizes the target for 5 seconds. Has a chance to also silence the target for 3 seconds. 95% chance to also immobilize yourself for 4 seconds, which needs 6 metal affinity.(only usable in air)
Rumbling Thunder: Launches a sphere of ball lightning at the target that deals 92.5 Metal damage. The hit chance is determined by Character's Accuracy, which needs 7 metal affinity.(only usable in air)
Dissolve: Reduces the Chi of you and your target. Each Strength points reduces the target's Chi by 0.1 and your Chi by 0.1, which needs 3 water affinty.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Free Zen Guide:

Free Zen Guide:
One of the things that people want the most are in the cash shops. In this guide I am going to tell you how to get zen for free, it may be a little slow depending on the time you have to do it but....its free. One of the sites is called Memo Link, in this site you can do surveys, print coupons, and alot of other things and occasionally play games. After you do these you get points, then you take those points and turn them into either cash(which they'll mail to you) or put it on Paypal or a credit card. The minimum you can cash your points out for is 25 dollars. Another way is through Matomy, by going to the virtual currency page and completing their offers for a decent amount of zen. another one is Peanut Labs, but you can access it through Memo Link and do surveys. The last one is Super Rewards, I couldn't get it to work but you complete and sign up for offers for zen. Thats it for my free zen guide, I hope it helped, and if you cant find a way to get the zen you could always do gold trading at the AH.

Guild/Faction Guide:

Guild/Faction Guide:
In this guide I am going to tell you how to make a good faction, or guild. To start off you are going to want to appoint someone to your director, or second in command. Some people like to have guild sites, if you make one you should put it in your slogan and/or some rules that you think need to be in place. With the rules you put down, you should not slack up on them too much. To get more people to join you should use the world chat saying your guild and what you want out of the people who join. You should always be talkative, it will make people want to stay in your faction/guild, and make it less boring. Another thing you can to to make people want to stay is be as helpful as you can. To level up your faction/guild you can either make the members of your faction/guild make a mandatory donation, or you could try and make all of the money on your own and maybe ask your other members for help paying. Most likely, the higher level your faction/guild is, the more people will want to join and stay. Some people allow all levels into their faction/guild, but if not make sure you specify what level. Thats pretty much it on factions and guilds, another thing to do is make sure your members are active, that'll help alot, and thats it for my faction/guild guide.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

(PWI) Blademaster Guide:

 In this Blademaster Guide I am going to show you how you can make a effective blademaster. To start off, blademasters are the ultimate melee class in Perfect World. They can use any weapon they want (except tideborn and magic), even though they dont have skills for ranged weapons they can still use them for certain cituations, for example pulling mobs or for certain mobs in FC.The job of a blademaster is to protect the squishies( players using light or arcane armor). Blademasters can do so by using Roar of The Pride ( a skill you will get at level 23) to stop all the mobs from killing everyone when things get out of hand. You should generally attack enemies that are either being attacked by damage dealers or being attacked by the tank, and if you are not attacking whats being attacked by the tank make sure you dont take aggro. But thats just some basic stuff you should know.

 Blademaster Stats:
Now I am gonna go into the stats. These can vary depending on what you want out of your blademaster. Your stats are pretty much weapon paths when you are a blademaster. Im going to show you what points you should apply to which stats, that way you can choose which weapon, or weapons, you want to use that way you can get your blademaster to perform the way you want it to.

1. All Weapons Build- as the name says, if u choose this build you will be able to use any and al weapons. I am using this now because,for me, its is useful to use certain weapons to get you out of specific cituiations. For this build, every level do 3 strength and 2 dexterity.

2. Axes,Poles, and Swords- For blademasters that dont mind not being able to use the latest fists, or even any fists at all, should use this build. For this build you would do, 1 vitality, 6 strength, and 3 dexterity every other level (you would start at lvl 3). Not a bad choice.

3. Pole, Sword- In this build you will only be able to use polearms and swords.With this build you will have alot of evasion, accuracy, and health. For this build do, 5 strength, 3 dexterity, and 2 vitality every other level.

And if you like PVP, you could switch the stats around of the Axes, Poles, and Swords build to, 6 strength, 1 dexterity, and 3 vitality to give you a nice edge in PVP.

Blademasater Weapons:
Blademasters have four weapon paths, axe/ham,  polearm, swords, and fists.Each weapon has its own benefit. In this section I am going to show you what weapons could fit your style.

1. Axe/Ham- The path for axes and hammers has the most AOEs and stuns, and thats the reason why most blademasters choose this weapon. Another reason is because they have a high spike damage. For this weapon choice I would choose either the dual hammer or dual axes, but it depends wether or not you want your weapon to have a higher minimum damage or a higher maximum damage. Polehammers are a good choice as well, and if you like add-ons I would suggest poleaxes.

2. Polearms- The path for polearms has bleed skils and directional AOEs. They will also give you distance for when enemies try to run. They all have the same range. If you like a higher minimum damage, you should go with pikes, for a higher maximum go with poleblades, and if you want in between, go with clubs.

3. Fists- For fists you will need alot of dexterity. Fists are for those who like speed and high DPS. Since they have high dexterity, you will have a high critical hit rate as well. Their low damage is made up by speed, so it equals out. You will get the most DPS out of claws, they also have the the highest maximum damage out of the two. Fists have the higher minimum damage and second best DPS out of the two.

4. Swords- Last but not least are the swords. Swords are considered the best weapon for PVE. They are fast, and with their speed you will gain your chi easiy. They have good DPS but they only have one AOE in their skill path. The dual swords have a faster attack speed then regular swords and blades. Dual swords are my main and favorite weapon. Their DPS is first, and they have the highest minimum damage, and second best maximum damage. Dual blades have the highest maximum damage, regular blades are slower but also have the highest maximum damage out of the single swords. Swords go the same speed as the blades but have the highest minimum damage out of the single swords, not a bad choice.

Blademaster Armor:
Now, in this section I am going to tell what armor is best for a blademaster. Blademasters wear heavy armor. If you have the time, I recommend you make your own armor. If not, you should buy it from other players, or see if a friend can make it for you. Buying gear from NPCs is ok, but it wont be as good, wont have sockets or add-ons, but if you dont buy from NPCs, it'll make things esier on you and you will have a better chance of not dying. As far as shards go, I suggest you use either Garnet shards, Citrine shards, or Sapphire shards. I like to use sapphire because it helps protect aginst magic mobs, which do alot of damage to heavy armor. Citrine shards are good also if you dont put alot of vitality in your build. You should always use physical defense rings, if you want more defense from magic you should also use elemental ornaments.

Blademaster Skills:
There are three types of skills, passive, buff, and attack. For passive skills, always level them, but do it at your convenience because even though they are important, they can get expensive and you will need your spirit and money for the other ones. Now for buffs, you are going to want to max these, and it shouldnt be too expensive because you dont have alot, I would lvl these as soon as possible once you get to the requisite level. Now for attacks, you are mainly going to level up (but not max) your debuff skills. The other skills you can level a little to get some extra damage out of them. Some skills you may want to level are:
Aura of the Golden Bell: Let out a tremendous roar, giving all nearby squad members an extra 15% physical
defense for 30 minutes.(lvl 9)

Roar of The Pride: A raging roar stuns all enemies in a 10 meter radius for 3.3 seconds. Higher skill level results in higher success rate.(lvl 23)
Draw Blood: Inflict base physical damage on enemy and cause it to bleed, suffering 75.9 physical damage over 15 seconds.(lvl 3)
Diamond Sutra: Immediately recover 20% of your maximum HP and recover an addtional 250 HP over 15 seconds.(lvl 29)
Cloud Sprint: Drastically increases movement speed by 45% for 15 seconds. Higher skill level results in faster speed.
and the rest of you buffs that you get at higher levels.

Blademaster Genie:
There is a genie skill that is only for blademasters. For this skill you will need to give your genie 3 metal affinity points and 4 fire affinity points, The skill is called Balance: Creates a shield around you that
absorbs damage and makes you immune to stuns for 6 seconds. If your physical defense is higher than your average elemental resistance, the shield absorbs magic damage.
Dissolve: Reduces the Chi of you and your target. It needs 3 water affinity.
True Emptiness: Meditate on the nature of the void to attack your foes. Consumes all your energy and causes damage equal to 558.0 plus twenty times the amount of energy consumed. Has a 55% chance to create a shield around you that can absorb up to 700 spell damage for 8 seconds. It needs 3 metal affinity and 3 water affinity
Rumbling Thunder: Launches a sphere of ball lightning at the target that deals 92.5 Metal damage. The hit chance is determined by Character's Accuracy. It needs 7 metal affinity.
Reflective Aura:Reflect Magic damage. Lasts for 2 seconds. Up to a Maximum of 10 000 damage will be reflected. It needs 5 wood affinity, 3 water affinity, and 1 fire affinity.